The Miniature Jersey is the perfect fit for anyone looking to provide fresh milk for their family, whether on a large farm or a small acreage. 

The Miniature Jersey is a developing breed that originated in the United States from crossing small standard Jerseys with Dexters and other miniature cattle breeds over the last 30 years. This has created hardy dairy cattle that are small yet produce plenty of rich, creamy milk and make them the perfect fit for our northern Canadian climate!

The Canadian Miniature Jersey Association was formed to support Miniature Jersey breeders by putting breed standards in place and providing registration services and grading-up programs to expand the purebred Miniature Jersey population within Canada.
Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Miniature Jersey Association will be held virtually on Saturday, 5th October 2024 at 2:00 pm Mountain Time for the following purposes:

1. To adopt the agenda
2. To receive and consider the President's report.
3. To review the 2023-24 financial statements
4. To appoint auditors for the year 2024-25
5. To elect three (3) Directors for a 2-year term
6. Bylaw review and approval
7. Presentation (Topic TBA)
8. Q&A
Canadian Miniature Jersey Association
Box 565
Spirit River, AB
T0H 3G0
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