Become a Founding Member of the CMJA!
The first 30 members who sign up for a 3-Year Membership will be recognized as founding members of the CMJA.

Founding members will receive a free herd prefix registration once the CMJA receives approval from Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada as the nationally recognized Miniature Jersey registry. They will also receive a certificate of recognition and a mention of gratitude on our website and in our newsletter.

Membership​ Types & Benefits

The Canadian Miniature Jersey Association has four membership levels: Full, Junior, Affiliate, and Life.

Full memberships cost $100 for an annual membership and $225 for a 3-year membership. Full members enjoy the full benefits of membership, including the right to vote and run for office, and reduced rates on registrations and transfers.

Junior memberships cost $50 per year. Junior members are youth aged 18 and under on January 1st of the current calendar year. Junior members receive reduced rates on registrations and transfers, but do not have voting rights and cannot run for office.

Affiliate memberships are given to individuals, businesses, or organizations who wish to support the work of the CMJA with a financial donation. Affiliate members do not have voting rights, cannot run for office, and do not receive reduced rates for services.

Life memberships are awarded by the Board of Directions in recognition of the member's service to the CMJA. Life members have all the rights and privileges of full members.
Payment Details

After submitting your membership application, please forward your payment to the CMJA.

Send your e-transfer to the Canadian Miniature Jersey Association at

Make your cheque payable to the Canadian Miniature Jersey Association and mail it to:

Canadian Miniature Jersey Association
Box 565
Spirit River, AB
T0H 3G0
Founding Members

Angie Nadon
Angie O'Connor
Back Forty Jerseys
Birdsong Farm
Bridle Ridge Farms
Butterkup Farms
Clemence Nash
Cream of the Crop Miniature Jerseys
Deana Zimmer
Dean Del Frari
Ever Green Acres
Ginger Knudsen
Green Briar Farm
Kerrie Mertes
Lazy H Miniature Herefords
McCrea Hobby Farms
Mother Howe
Northern Lights Miniature Jerseys
Noses and Tails Farm
Roving Winds Farm
Schlosser Farm
Thundering Hill Miniature Jerseys
Trademark Ltd.
Walnut Creek Hollow
Wunder Miniature Jerseys
Canadian Miniature Jersey Association
Box 565
Spirit River, AB
T0H 3G0